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The Modern Component Library.

The Stacks Framework helps kick-start & maintain development of your next library. Without a learning curve, or breaking a sweat.

Best-in-Class DX

Developing component libraries has never been easier. Feel the speed of Vite. Experience a deep VS Code integration.

Component-First Design

In a zero-config way, Stacks automagically builds & distributes Web Component & Vue (2 & 3) libraries for you.

Modern CSS Engine

Pre-configured UnoCSS allows to create & manage your style guides with ease, Tailwind CSS, Windi CSS, or Bootstrap.

“Be a Good Commitizen”

Pre-configured commitlint setup to simplify semantic git commits, versioning, changelog generations, and npm releases.

Built With Testing In Mind

Pre-configured unit-testing powered by Vitest & e2e-testing by Cypress.

Renovate Your Code

Optimized & automated PR dependency updates.

Supercharged Actions

Automatically runs your CI, fixes code style issues, tags releases & creates its changelogs, runs the test suite, etc.

Beautiful Next-Gen Docs

A slightly opinionated, pretty starting point to develop & present your library. Built with the powers of VitePress.